Request for Quote Form

Businesses often rely on goods and services supplied by other companies on the market. The process of sending and receiving quotes is a very vital part of the business. Businesses often try to rely on e-mail, phone calls or outdated and insecure methods like Fax.

To standartize this process, Element Form allows you to create an easy way for your customers to send you requests for quotes. The Request for Quote Form template can be modified to match the needs of your business.

The form can be customised endlessly, you can add official address and phone elements e-mail elements and even a signature element. If the customer needs to upload images or files for you, this can also be done easily using the upload element.

All requests send through this form will be send to you via e-mail. For the customer it is easy because they only have to fill out the details and can send the request to you with the click of a button.